ILOVESKIN and I love concocting potions for skin, I always have. I remember proudly handing out my handmade Christmas body scrub age 16, (sorbolene and sand), rustic and full of petrochemicals but effective. Studying to become a Naturopath gave me an indepth knowledge of herbs and nutrients and how they affect the body both internally and topically - and with this information I was able to move past the sorbolene and sand phase and into truly nutritive and healing products. I was making individual products for my Naturopathic clients and getting great results, I realised that this was what I loved doing and ILOVESKIN was born.
ILOVESKIN is all about simple, natural ingredients that are effective. Your skin absorbs up to 60% of what you put on it, and this is why I’m firmly against petrochemicals, parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances and chemicals in general. I make everything in small batches and test them on friends and family.
I’m spartan when it comes to packaging - the bare necessities only. Boxes only end up in the recycling or in the bin and they cost you, the consumer, extra and cost the planet - even when recycled; so I’ve done away with them. You’ll find our products naked on the shelf - in recyclable / reusable bottles and jars.
I hope you love using ILOVESKIN as much as I do.
Danielle X